SUEÑOS Y FÁBULAS DE UN GUAJIRO (Dreams & Fables of a Country Boy)


August 19 - September 8, 2020

Guajiro Volando II
Galeria Cubana is excited to introduce 16 new paintings by the internationally acclaimed artist Orestes Gaulhiac in his 14th exhibition with the gallery. 
At 60, memories of his childhood spent in the lush countryside of Santiago de Cuba still shape Gaulhiac's work. Cuban folklore always comes alive with mysticism, romance and humor in his paintings. The artist harkens back to nature and mythology to find his happiness amidst a changing and challenging world.
As a recent immigrant to the United States, Gaulhiac has been traversing this difficult year during the pandemic in Florida. This new life has begun to influence his work with the introduction of themes of immigration and everyday strife. Yet, his playful nature and positivity still shine through in his work as he invokes those with mystical powers to intervene.