El Nido (The Nest)

Sandra Dooley

June 10 - June 21, 2021

El Nido

Like much of the world, Sandra Dooley has spent the year inside. Caring for pets; confiding with close friends; and reading good books have been a part of our collective lives throughout this pandemic at home in The Nest (El Nido). These domestic scenes come to life in 16 new vibrant works that bring joy, sweetness and tranquility to heart and hearth.

Dooley is in every sense of the word a 'folk artist.' As a self- taught painter, she is in many ways free of traditional training. Dooley explores the physicality of paint; she builds it up, carves into it, and adds glue to create rich collage with fabrics. 

Dooley has long drawn inspiration for her home life with everyday materials. Over the past several years, Dooley has become more experimental with her mixed media works, layering them with collected materials from neighbors and visitors. She incorporates intricate pieces of lace and jute, colorful buttons, and patterned fabrics by adhering or even stitching them to the canvas. 

She has been painting for 20 years and has amassed collectors worldwide.